Microtomography of the human tooth-alveolar bone complex
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URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/24888/
Authors:Dalstra, M., Cattaneo, P.M., Beckmann, F., Sakima, M.T., Lemor, C., Laursen, M.G., Melsen, B.
In: Optics and Photonics, SPIE 2006
Location:San Diego, CA (USA)
Cite as: Dalstra, M.; Cattaneo, P.M.; Beckmann, F.; Sakima, M.T.; Lemor, C.; Laursen, M.G.; Melsen, B.: Microtomography of the human tooth-alveolar bone complex. In: Optics and Photonics, SPIE 2006. San Diego, CA (USA), 15.-17.08.2006, 2006.