Oxygen consumption and production rates and associated fluxes in sediment-water systems: A combination of microelectrode, incubation and modelling techniques
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URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/13282/
Authors:Wiltshire, K. H., Schroeder, F., Knauth, H.-D., Kausch, H.
In: Archiv fuer Hydrobiologie
Pages: 457 - 486
ISSN: 0003-9136
Cite as: Wiltshire, K. H.; Schroeder, F.; Knauth, H.-D.; Kausch, H.: Oxygen consumption and production rates and associated fluxes in sediment-water systems: A combination of microelectrode, incubation and modelling techniques. In: Archiv fuer Hydrobiologie. Vol. 137 (1996) 4, 457 - 486.