Spray forming of Ti 48.9Al (at.%) and subsequent hot isostatic pressing and forging
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URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/18936/
Authors:Gerling, R., Schimansky, F.P., Wegmann, G., Zhang, J.X.
In: Proceedings on the International Conference on Spray Deposition and Melt Atomization
Location:Bremen (D)
Pages:355 - 363
Cite as: Gerling, R.; Schimansky, F.P.; Wegmann, G.; Zhang, J.X.: Spray forming of Ti 48.9Al (at.%) and subsequent hot isostatic pressing and forging. In: Proceedings on the International Conference on Spray Deposition and Melt Atomization. Vol. 1 Bremen (D), 26.-28.06.2000, 2000. 355 - 363.