Optimisation of the sintering atmosphere for metal injection moulding of gamma TiAl alloy powder
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URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/26349/
Authors:Ebel, T., Limberg, W., Gerling, R., Stutz, L., Bormann, R.
In: EURO PM 2007, Proceedings of the International Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition
Location:Toulouse (F)
Pages:203 - 208
Publisher:EPMA, Shrewsbury
ISBN: 978-1-89907-230-9
Cite as: Ebel, T.; Limberg, W.; Gerling, R.; Stutz, L.; Bormann, R.: Optimisation of the sintering atmosphere for metal injection moulding of gamma TiAl alloy powder. In: EURO PM 2007, Proceedings of the International Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition. Vol. 2 Toulouse (F), 15.-17.10.2007, Shrewsbury: EPMA, 2007. 203 - 208. (ISBN: 978-1-89907-230-9)