Pertraction of carbonic acids through ion exchange polymeric membranes
No abstract available.
Authors:Windmoeller, D., Pereira Nunes, S., Boeddeker, K. W.
In: 6.° Coloquio Internacional de Macromoleculas (6th International Colloquium on Macromolecules)
Location:Gramado RS (BR)
Date:September 4-8, 1994
Cite as: Windmoeller, D.; Pereira Nunes, S.; Boeddeker, K. W.: Pertraction of carbonic acids through ion exchange polymeric membranes. In: 6.° Coloquio Internacional de Macromoleculas (6th International Colloquium on Macromolecules). Gramado RS (BR), September 4-8, 1994, 1994.