Mineral preferred orientation and magnetic properties as indicators of varying strain conditions in naturally deformed iron ore
No abstract available.
URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/24016/
Authors:Guenther, A.,Brokmeier, H.-G.,Petrovsky, E.,Siemes, H.,Quade, H.
In: International Conference on Neutron Scattering, ICNS 2001
Location:Muenchen (D)
Type:conference poster
Cite as: Guenther, A.; Brokmeier, H.; Petrovsky, E.; Siemes, H.; Quade, H.: Mineral preferred orientation and magnetic properties as indicators of varying strain conditions in naturally deformed iron ore. In: International Conference on Neutron Scattering, ICNS 2001. Muenchen (D). 2001.