How critical are absorption corrections for phasing Bragg reflections with the MAD method at wavelengths between
3 and 6 Angstroem ?
No abstract available.
Authors:Stuhrmann, H.B., Carpentier, P., Boesecke, P., Bois, J.-M., Chesne, M.-L., Kahn, R., Kozielski-Stuhrmann, S., Vicat, J.
In: Congress of the International Union of Crystallography
Location:Genf (CH)
Cite as: Stuhrmann, H.B.; Carpentier, P.; Boesecke, P.; Bois, J.-M.; Chesne, M.-L.; Kahn, R.; Kozielski-Stuhrmann, S.; Vicat, J.: How critical are absorption corrections for phasing Bragg reflections with the MAD method at wavelengths between
3 and 6 Angstroem ?. In: Congress of the International Union of Crystallography. Genf (CH), 06.-15.08.2002, 2002.