X-ray Scattering Studies to Investigate Triple-shape Capability of Polymer Networks Based on poly(?-caprolactone) and poly(cyclohexyl methacrylate) Segments
No abstract available.
URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/27725/
Authors:Wagermaier, W., Hofmann, D., Kratz, K., Behl, M., Lendlein, A.
In: MRS Spring Meeting 2009
Location:San Francisco, CA (USA)
Cite as: Wagermaier, W.; Hofmann, D.; Kratz, K.; Behl, M.; Lendlein, A.: X-ray Scattering Studies to Investigate Triple-shape Capability of Polymer Networks Based on poly(?-caprolactone) and poly(cyclohexyl methacrylate) Segments. In: MRS Spring Meeting 2009. San Francisco, CA (USA), 13.-17.04.2009, 2009.