New insights in the membrane destruction mechanism of the peptide antibiotic NK-2
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Authors:Willumeit, R., Bruns, O., Foerster, F., Kumpugdee, M., Linser, S., Rachmayanti, Y., Andrae, J.
In: China-Germany Bilateral Symposium on Amphiphiles at Interfaces' (AI-SCP)
Location:Berlin (D)
Cite as: Willumeit, R.; Bruns, O.; Foerster, F.; Kumpugdee, M.; Linser, S.; Rachmayanti, Y.; Andrae, J.: New insights in the membrane destruction mechanism of the peptide antibiotic NK-2. In: China-Germany Bilateral Symposium on Amphiphiles at Interfaces' (AI-SCP). Berlin (D), 23.-25.04.2003, 2003.