Comparison of cloud microphysical parameters derived from conbined RADAR-LIDAR measurements and IN-SITU probes over the east China Sea
No abstract available.
Authors:Quante, M., Matthias, V., Nagel, D., Meywerk, J., Okamoto, H., Kumagai, H., Donovan, D., Uchiyama, A., Baptista, P., Wursteisen, P.
In: Third European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, ERAD
Location:Visby, Gotland (S)
Cite as: Quante, M.; Matthias, V.; Nagel, D.; Meywerk, J.; Okamoto, H.; Kumagai, H.; Donovan, D.; Uchiyama, A.; Baptista, P.; Wursteisen, P.: Comparison of cloud microphysical parameters derived from conbined RADAR-LIDAR measurements and IN-SITU probes over the east China Sea. In: Third European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, ERAD. Visby, Gotland (S), 06.-10.09.2004, 2004.