EFAM ETM 97 - the ETM method for assessing the significance of crack-like defects in engineering structures, comprising the versions ETM 97/1 and ETM 97/2
No abstract available.
URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/17565/
Authors:Schwalbe, K.-H., Zerbst, U., Kim, Y.-J., Brocks, W., Cornec, A., Heerens, J., Amstutz, H.
Cite as: Schwalbe, K.-H.; Zerbst, U.; Kim, Y.-J.; Brocks, W.; Cornec, A.; Heerens, J.; Amstutz, H.: EFAM ETM 97 - the ETM method for assessing the significance of crack-like defects in engineering structures, comprising the versions ETM 97/1 and ETM 97/2. 1998.