The purpose of this work is to simulate the evolution of ductile damage and failure involved by
plastic strain reversals using damage models based on either continuum damage mechanics (CDM)
or porosity evolution. A low alloy steel for pressure vessels (20MnMoNi55) was chosen as reference
material. The work includes both experimental and simulation phases. The experimental campaign
involves different kinds of specimens and testing conditions. First, monotonic tensile tests have been
performed in order to evaluate tensile and ductile damage behaviour. Then, the cyclic yielding
behaviour has been characterized performing cyclic plasticity tests on cylindrical bars. Finally, cyclic
loading tests in the plastic regime have been made on different round notched bars (RNBs) to study
the evolution of plastic deformation and damage under multiaxial stress conditions. The predictions
of the different models were compared in terms of both, the specimens macroscopic response and
local damage. Special emphasis was laid on predictions of the number of cycles prior to final failure
and the crack initiation loci.