
Editorial: Impact of Oceans on Extreme Weather Events (Tropical Cyclones)


In the last decade, extreme Weather Events (Tropical Cyclones) have caused significant damage to global coastlines as the climate continues to change and both the world population and economic activity near the coasts continue to increase. The World Climate Research Programme’s Grand Challenge on Weather and Climate Extremes has highlighted the need for reliable predictions of weather extremes, including Tropical Cyclones in all oceanic basins. The challenge ahead is for the research community to make progress in model improvements, data assimilation, observations, and design of observing systems in light of the most pressing needs from the end user community for improved forecast information on extreme events which impact these coastlines. This Research Topic highlights some of recent progress made by the research community in model improvements, data assimilation, machine learning methods and use of physical and biogeochemical marine observations for an enhanced understanding of impact of extreme weather events (tropical cyclones, marine heat waves) in oceanic basins across the globe.