journal article

Mastering the complex time-scale interaction during Stress Corrosion Cracking phenomena through an advanced coupling scheme


Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) failure is a multi-physics phenomena and is usually modelled at the microstructural level, which includes mechanical, chemical, and electrochemical contributions. In aggressive corrosive environments, materials prone to localized corrosion, can suffer heavy pitting corrosion. Subsequently, pit-to-crack transition events might be initiated. Respective mechanical assisted pitting corrosion propagation processes are determined by mechanical, chemical, and electrochemical properties as well as transport properties of ions at grain boundaries. Variations in the electrolyte exposure conditions (including the kinetics at the solid–liquid interface), different mechanical loading scenarios, grain-specific crystal anisotropies, and other local factors combine to produce a highly complex SCC-type interaction scenario at various time and length scales. Since corrosion is a slow process whereas brittle fracture is a rapid failure mechanism, the individual domain discretization-based solvers need to use distinct time steps and appropriate solver settings to become capable to accurately simulate such coupled events. In order to address the issues that arise while accounting for scaling effects in both time and space, and retaining coupled mechanistic interplay and including the aspects specified earlier, a sophisticated modelling method is necessary for the analysis of structural failure by SCC. In this work, a partitioned multi-physics computational approach is presented, using two separate single physics solvers coupled by the open-source coupling library preCICE. In the proposed computational setup, two separate software environments are used, with dedicated solver settings and different time steps, to simulate the mechanical fracture and dissolution-driven pitting corrosion for various loading and corrosion conditions, while also taking into account the effects of microstructural anisotropy. For a 2D polycrystalline model representing face-centered-cubic (fcc) material systems, selected numerical experiments are conducted that predict the evolution of fracture and crack path resulting from SCC. The framework has been further extended to simulate 3D problems as well. The corresponding results are evaluated to show the applicability of the proposed methodology.
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