Data-driven and Physics-based Modelling to Predict Process Behaviour and Deposit Geometry for Friction Surfacing under Different Environmental Conditions
No abstract available.
Authors:Bock, F.E.,Kallien, Z.,Huber, N.,Klusemann, B.
In: Sim-AM 2023 - The Fourth International Conference on Simulation for Additive Manufacturing
Location:München (DEU)
Date:26.07.2023 - 28.07.2023
Type:conference lecture
Cite as: Bock, F.; Kallien, Z.; Huber, N.; Klusemann, B.: Data-driven and Physics-based Modelling to Predict Process Behaviour and Deposit Geometry for Friction Surfacing under Different Environmental Conditions. Sim-AM 2023 - The Fourth International Conference on Simulation for Additive Manufacturing. München (DEU), 2024.