online contribution

PFAS explorer


The PFAS Explorer serves as a digital source of information and platform on different aspects of pollution with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). It targets starters in the scientific field and interested users from other areas.,Information was gathered on sources, distribution and fate of PFAS in different environmental compartments. Related concerns and potential ways forward are discussed from a scientific but also from a regulatory and political point of view. In addition, trends in analytical methods are summarized. The PFAS Explorer is continuously growing and does not claim to be complete. Content selections are based on the authors’ point of view and personal expert knowledge.,The PFAS Explorer has been developed in the context and is part of the Coastal Pollution Toolbox (URL:, a knowledge hub, digital working environment and tool set to study contaminant, nutrient and carbon dynamics in temperate and polar coastal zones.
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