journal article

Achieving advanced elevated-temperature strength by tailoring precipitates in Mg-Sn-Y alloys


The Mg-Sn-Y alloys exhibiting advanced elevated-temperature strength up to 300 ℃ were newly developed by tailoring precipitates through partially substituting and increasing yttrium (Y) (2, 3.5 wt%) for tin (Sn) in Mg-2.5Sn alloy. The effects of precipitates on the room/elevated-temperature mechanical properties, and the related dynamic precipitation behavior were investigated. The elevated-temperature strengthening mechanism of the alloy was revealed. The precipitates transformed from Mg2Sn in Mg-Sn alloy to Sn3Y5 in Mg-Sn-Y alloys. The abundant Sn3Y5 nanoparticles formed in the as-extruded Mg-0.5Sn-3.5Y alloy which exhibited significant higher peak strength as 223 MPa compared to that of Mg-2.5Sn as 53 MPa. The calculation of the critical nucleation energy for dynamic precipitation indicated that the Mg-Sn-Y alloys exhibited a smaller nucleation barrier for dynamic precipitation of dense nanoscale Sn3Y5 particles compared to the Mg-Sn alloy. This barrier was further decreased with increasing Y content, as exemplified by the increased area fraction of nanoparticles in the Mg-0.5Sn-3.5Y alloy. The abundant Sn3Y5 nanoparticles can inhibit the grain boundary crack propagation, and the formed fine grains (~3.8 µm) can effectively hinder the dislocation motion. Therefore, the present work demonstrated that coupling a high area fraction of thermally stable nanoparticles with grain refinement can provide an effective approach to acquire superior elevated-temperature strength for Mg alloys.
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