journal article

CO2 separation by membrane technology: Application in the cement industry based on pilot scale research


Membrane technology for CO2 separation is an established technology option in the oil and gas industry for many years now. The advent of novel membrane materials in combination with process design studies and pilot scale investigation proved the applicability for the separation of CO2 from flue gases. The trials concentrated mainly on the flue gas of coal fired power plants. Using the polymeric PolyActiveâ„¢ thin film composite membranes developed by Hereon in two projects funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWi), long term operation in one- and two stage processes could be proven and CO2 enrichment to 95 mol-% could be demonstrated. Based on these results, the technology appears to be well suited for application in the cement industry. This potential as well as the experimental results in the power plant sector will be presented next to a short introduction to membrane technology.
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