journal article

Effect of laser beam welding on microstructure, tensile strength and fatigue behaviour of duplex stainless steel 2205


This study focuses on the microstructure, tensile and fatigue properties of laser beam welded butt joints in 4 mm thick sheets of duplex stainless steel 2205. The microstructural characteristics of the joints were investigated via optical microscopy and electron backscattered diffraction. A 300 μm wide heat affect zone with increased ferrite content and a nearly fully ferritic 800 μm wide fusion zone were found. No porosity could be found with X-ray radiography. Microhardness measurements revealed increased strength in the fusion and heat affect zones of the weldments. Uniaxial tensile and stress controlled fatigue tests were performed in order to characterize the mechanical properties of specimens containing laser beam welded joints and the base material. The specimens containing weldments were stronger, but less ductile than the base material, due to the weld metal restricting deformation. The as-welded joints exhibited worse fatigue performance than the base material due to the notch at the excess weld metal. The fatigue properties of the specimens containing joints could be elevated to the base material level by a laser surface remelting treatment.
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