journal article

Influence of sterilization conditions on sulfate-functionalized polyGGE


Sulfated biomolecules are known to influence numerous biological processes in all living organisms. Particularly, they contribute to prevent and inhibit the hypercoagulation condition. The failure of polymeric implants and blood contacting devices is often related to hypercoagulation and microbial contamination. Here, bioactive sulfated biomacromolecules are mimicked by sulfation of poly(glycerol glycidyl ether) (polyGGE) films. Autoclaving, gamma-ray irradiation and ethylene oxide (EtO) gas sterilization techniques were applied to functionalized materials. The sulfate group density and hydrophilicity of sulfated polymers were decreased while chain mobility and thermal degradation were enhanced post autoclaving when compared to those after EtO sterilization. These results suggest that a quality control after sterilization is mandatory to ensure the amount and functionality of functionalized groups are retained.
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