journal article

Mechanical behaviors of extruded Mg alloys with high Gd and Nd content


The influence of alloying elements and heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical behaviors of extruded Mg–Gd–Nd ternary alloys was investigated in this study. The grain sizes dramatically decreased after extrusion, and the particles which distributed in Mg matrix had great effect on the grain size. The grain sizes of extruded alloys decreased from 26 to 5 ​μm with the alloying content increasing. The mechanical test results show that both Gd and Nd had positive effect on the hardness, yield strength and Young's modulus. The ultimate tensile strength (UTS) was enhanced by Gd content, decreased with Nd content. The elongation of alloys was lower with higher alloying elements. Those extruded alloys were aged for 200 ​h in 200 ​°C. The Young's moduli were decreased by ageing treatment. Combined with microstructure study, the part of the reinforcement which identified as Mg5(Gd/Nd) was dissolved in Mg matrix. Nd element obviously has influence on the solubility of Gd in Mg alloys.
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