journal article

Corrosion Behavior of Extruded AM60-AlN Metal Matrix Nanocomposite and AM60 Alloy Exposed to Simulated Acid Rain Environment


The present work compared the initial stages of corrosion process development on the AM60-AlN metal matrix nanocomposite surface and on AM60, during their exposure for 30 days to simulated acid rain solution (SAR). The AlN nanoparticles were observed as “attached” to those of Mn-rich AlMn intermetallic particles, forming clusters. The introduction of 1.0 wt.% AlN (≈ 80 nm) in the AM60 alloy carried a slight grain refinement and favored the formation of a denser and more protective corrosion layer, suggested by the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) values of higher charge transfer resistance (R2) and capacitance, characteristic of the double layer in the presence of corrosion products, and also suggested by Rn (EN) values, compared to those of the AM60 alloy. Thus, the concentration of the released Mg-ions from the composite surface was lower. Due to the increase in time of the SAR solution pH, Al de-alloying may occur, as well as Al(OH)3 formation, as confirmed by XPS analysis. Due to the presence of Cl-ions in SAR solution, localized corrosion was observed, suggested as fractional Gaussian noise of a stationary and persistent process in time, according to the PSD of the corrosion current fluctuations (EN).
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