journal article

Emission factors and environmental implication of organic pollutants in PM emitted from various vessels in China


Organic pollutants from ship exhaust have significant health and air quality impact in coastal areas; their profiles are also in urgent need. Studies on organic pollutants from ships are still rare, especially in China. Therefore, 21 PAHs and 29 n-alkanes in PM emitted from 15 ships with different types and fuels under different operating modes in China were tested in this study. The results showed that: (1) Identified organic matters accounted for 0.15%–23.3% of PM. Fuel-based emission factors (EFs) for ∑16PAHs ranged from 0.095 to 5.80 mg (kg fuel)−1, with low-engine-power fishing boats and heavy fuel oil (HFO) training ship had higher values compared with light diesel vessels. EFs for ∑n-alkanes ranged from 5.22 to 1589 mg (kg fuel)−1, with low-engine-power fishing boats had higher values compared with other vessels. (2) The dominant PAHs were medium molecular weight components of Pyr, Flua, Phe, and Chr. N-alkanes from C15 to C33 accounted for more than 97% of the total n-alkanes. (3) Ratios of typical PAHs and n-alkanes parameters in this study showed typical diagnostic characteristics of oil combustion source. Profiles and diagnostic characteristics of PAHs together with n-alkanes could provide a more precise source apportionment result in the future. (4) Besides, PAHs in PM emitted from ships inferred non-ignorable health influence.
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