journal article

Effects of Friction Surfacing on the Characteristics of Consumable Rods of Ti-6Al-4V


Friction surfacing (FS) is a coating technique applied mainly in corrosion protection and repair of components. The study addresses the effects of deposition and rotational speeds on the rods characteristics and process efficiency for the deposition of Ti-6Al-4V on self-mating substrates by FS. The consumption rate was 1.8 mm/s, deposition speeds of 8, 16 and 24 mm/s and rotational speeds of 2000, 3000 and 4000 rpm. It was shown that the flash forms primarily at the rod, ascending around the tip and leaving the coating without flash. The higher deposition speeds led to a decrease in rod thickness and diameter. For higher rotational speeds, an increase in diameter and decrease in thickness is observed for the flash on the rod. Experiments have shown that the rotational and deposition speeds have a decisive influence on the flash formation. Its microstructure changes due to the welding process and a change in hardness can be observed.
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