Experimental and theoretical study of a laser beam-welded Al-Li AA2198 alloy under different artificial ageing conditions
No abstract available.
URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/40142/
Authors:Germanou, A.,Examilioti, T.,Papanikos, P.,Kashaev, N.,Klusemann, B.,Alexopoulos, N.
In: Virtual 4th International Conference on Structural Integrity
Date:30.08.2021 - 02.09.2021
Type:conference lecture
Cite as: Germanou, A.; Examilioti, T.; Papanikos, P.; Kashaev, N.; Klusemann, B.; Alexopoulos, N.: Experimental and theoretical study of a laser beam-welded Al-Li AA2198 alloy under different artificial ageing conditions. Virtual 4th International Conference on Structural Integrity. Virtual, 2021.