journal article

Geothermal Convection and Double Diffusion Based on Profiling Floats in the Black Sea


Here, we revisit the existing concepts of the vertical structure of deep layers in the Black Sea using data from sensors deployed on profiling floats. The deep transition layer (DTL) between 700 and 1700 m acts as an interface between the baroclinic layer and the largest bottom convective layer (BCL) of the world oceans. On top of DTL are the warm intermediate layer (WIL) and deep cold intermediate layer (DCIL). They both showed strong trends in the last fifteen years due to warmer climate and intensification of warmer intrusions from Bosporus. A “salinity wave” was detected in 2005‐2009 below ∼1700 m, which evidenced for the first time the penetration of gravity flow from Bosporus down to the bottom. The layering of water masses was explained as resulting from the different distribution of sources of heat and salt, double duffusion and balances between the geothermal and salinity flows in the BCL.
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