journal article

In situ kinetics studies of Zn–Al LDH intercalation with corrosion related species


Kinetic parameters for three anion exchange reactions – Zn-LDH-NO3 → Zn-LDH-Cl, Zn-LDH-NO3 → Zn-LDH-SO4 and Zn-LDH-NO3 → Zn-LDH-VOx – were obtained by in situ synchrotron study. The first and the second ones are two-stage reactions; the first stage is characterized by the two-dimensional diffusion-controlled reaction following deceleratory nucleation and the second stage is a one-dimensional diffusion-controlled reaction also with a decelerator nucleation effect. In the case of exchange NO3− → Cl− host anions are completely released, while in the case of NO3− → SO42− the reaction ends without complete release of nitrate anions. The exchange of Zn-LDH-NO3 → Zn-LDH-VOx is a one-stage reaction and goes much slower than the previous two cases. The latter is characterized by a one stage two-dimensional reaction with an instantaneous nucleation. As a result, at the end of this process there are two crystalline phases with different polyvanadate species, presumably V4O124− and V2O74−, nitrate anions were not completely released. The rate of replacing NO3− anions by guest ones can be represented as Cl− > SO42− > VOxy−.
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