journal article

Multiphase-field modeling of temperature-driven intermetallic compound evolution in an Al–Mg system for application to solid-state joining processes


Solid-state joining of dissimilar materials results typically in the formation of intermetallic compounds at the weld interface, which strongly determines the resulting mechanical properties. To tailor the joint strength, understanding of the formation of the intermetallic compound and their driving mechanisms is crucial. In this study, the evolution of temperature-driven Al3Mg2 and Al12Mg17 intermetallic compounds in an Al-Mg system for application to solid-state joining processes via a multiphase-field approach is numerically investigated. To this end, the CALPHAD approach to obtain the thermodynamic parameters of the relevant phases is used in conjunction with the multiphase-field model. The simulation results are qualitatively compared with experimental results in the literature in terms of thickness and morphology of intermetallic grains, exhibiting a reasonable agreement. The influence of grain boundary diffusion and interface energy on the morphology and kinetics of the intermetallic compound grains is investigated in detail with the established multiphase-field model.
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