journal article

Comparison of Friction Surfacing Process and Coating Characteristics of Ti-6Al-4V and Ti Grade 1


Friction surfacing is a coating process for extending the service life of components by repairing surface damaged, reducing wear, and improving anticorrosion properties. Ti-6Al-4V and titanium grade 1 have been deposited onto Ti-6Al-4V substrate to investigate the differences in material and processing behavior and analyze the coatings’ geometry and hardness. The deposition speed and consumption rate were kept constant at 16 mm/s and 1.8 mm/s, respectively, while the rotational speed was varied to 2000 rpm, 3000 rpm, or 4000 rpm. The force increased with the rotational speed, being about 10 times higher for Ti-6Al-4V compared with titanium grade 1. The peak temperatures were higher for titanium grade 1, and the β-transus temperature was exceeded in all experiments. The hardness of the coatings was about 16% higher compared with that of the Ti-6Al-4V substrate, due to formation of martensitic structure. The hardness did not vary significantly across the width of the coatings.
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