journal article

The Influence of Laser Shock Peening on Fatigue Properties of AA2024-T3 Alloy with a Fastener Hole


The objective of the present study was to estimate the influence of laser shock peening on the fatigue properties of AA2024-T3 specimens with a fastener hole and to investigate the possibility to heal the initial cracks in such specimens. Fatigue cracks of different lengths were introduced in the specimens with a fastener hole before applying laser shock peening. Deep compressive residual stresses, characterized by the hole drilling method, were generated into the specimens by applying laser shock peening on both sides. Subsequently, the specimens were subjected to fatigue tests. The results show that laser shock peening has a positive effect regarding the fatigue life improvement in the specimens with a fastener hole. In addition, laser shock peening leads to a healing effect on fatigue cracks. The efficiency of this effect depends on the initial crack length. The effect of laser shock peening on the fatigue life periods was determined by using resonant frequency graphs.
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