journal article

Emission factors for gaseous and particulate pollutants from offshore diesel engine vessels in China


Shipping emissions have significant influence on atmospheric environment as well as human health, especially in coastal areas and the harbour districts. However, the contribution of shipping emissions on the environment in China still need to be clarified especially based on measurement data, with the large number ownership of vessels and the rapid developments of ports, international trade and shipbuilding industry. Pollutants in the gaseous phase (carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, total volatile organic compounds) and particle phase (particulate matter, organic carbon, elemental carbon, sulfates, nitrate, ammonia, metals) in the exhaust from three different diesel-engine-powered offshore vessels in China (350, 600 and 1600kW) were measured in this study. Concentrations, fuel-based and power-based emission factors for various operating modes as well as the impact of engine speed on emissions were determined. Observed concentrations and emission factors for carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, total volatile organic compounds, and particulate matter were higher for the low-engine-power vessel (HH) than for the two higher-engine-power vessels (XYH and DFH); for instance, HH had NOx EF (emission factor) of 25.8gkWh−1 compared to 7.14 and 6.97gkWh−1 of DFH, and XYH, and PM EF of 2.09gkWh−1 compared to 0.14 and 0.04gkWh−1 of DFH, and XYH. Average emission factors for all pollutants except sulfur dioxide in the low-engine-power engineering vessel (HH) were significantly higher than that of the previous studies (such as 30.2gkg−1 fuel of CO EF compared to 2.17 to 19.5gkg−1 fuel in previous studies, 115gkg−1 fuel of NOx EF compared to 22.3 to 87gkg−1 fuel in previous studies and 9.40gkg−1 fuel of PM EF compared to 1.2 to 7.6gkg−1 fuel in previous studies), while for the two higher-engine-power vessels (DFH and XYH), most of the average emission factors for pollutants were comparable to the results of the previous studies, engine type was one of the most important influence factors for the differences. Emission factors for all three vessels were significantly different during different operating modes. Organic carbon and elemental carbon were the main components of particulate matter, while water-soluble ions and elements were present in trace amounts. The test inland ships and some test offshore vessels in China always had higher EFs for CO, NOx, and PM than previous studies. Besides, due to the significant influence of engine type on shipping emissions and that no accurate local EFs could be used in inventory calculation, much more measurement data for different vessels in China are still in urgent need. Best-fit engine speeds during actual operation should be based on both emission factors and economic costs.
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