journal article

Influence of Rotational Speed in the Friction Surfacing of Titanium Grade 1 on Ti-6Al-4V


Titanium Grade 1 was deposited on Ti-6Al-4V, 2 mm thickness, by Friction Surfacing. The process parameters were rotational speed, deposition speed and consumption rate. Only the rotational speed was varied in order to evaluate the influence of this parameter on the coatings generated. The applicability of the process has been described for a large number of materials, although the depositions of titanium alloys are still not widely studied. The objective is to investigate the effects of the rotational speed on the coatings' geometry and microstructural evolution. This investigation has shown that Titanium Grade 1 coatings can be deposited onto a Ti-6Al-4V by Friction Surfacing depending on the rotational speed. The coatings' surface homogeneity was influenced by the rotational speed, being inhomogeneous for the lowest speed. The coatings' thickness and width increased with enhancing this speed. The heat affected zone in the substrate corresponded to the complete thickness under the depositions.
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