conference paper

Mg Alloys: Challenges and Achievements in Controlling Performance, and Future Application Perspectives


In recent years, Mg alloys have made inroads into applications for transport industries. The favorable property profile of Mg promotes increased usage. Despite magnesium alloys being used for years, there is still a lack of knowledge about the potential of Mg alloys. New or optimized alloys and processes are creating new ideas for substituting traditional materials. High-pressure die-casting (HPDC) is the predominant technology, while other casting and wrought processes are of secondary importance. Developments in the last decade have led to an improvement of the property profile and effectiveness of magnesium wrought alloys. Additive manufacturing has opened new opportunities for tailoring of the property profile and functionality. In addition, Mg as material for battery anodes adds a new field of application in the energy sector. This presentation will provide an overview of the status of modern process and alloy development, and discuss the challenges to extending the use of magnesium alloys in various applications.
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