journal article

Transparent Substrates Prepared From Different Amorphous Polymers Can Directly Modulate Primary Human B cell functions


Manipulation of B cell functions such as antibody and cytokine secretion, is of clinical and biotechnological interest and can be achieved by soluble ligands activating cell surface receptors. Alternatively, the exposure to suitable solid substrates would offer the possibility to transiently induced cell signaling, since the signaling is interrupted when the cells are removed from the substrate. Cell/substrate interactions are mediated by physical valences such as, hydrogen bonds or hydrophobic forces on the substrate surface. Therefore, in this study B cells were cultivated on polymeric substrates, differing in their chemical composition and thus their capacity to undergo physical interactions. Activated B cells cultivated on polystyrene (PS) showed an altered cytokine response indicated by increased IL-10 and decreased IL-6 secretion. Interestingly, B cells cultivated on polyetherurethane (PEU), which has among all tested polymers the highest potential to form strong hydrogen bonds showed an impaired activation, which could be restored by re-cultivation on tissue culture polystyrene. The results indicate that B cell behavior can transiently be manipulated solely by interacting with polymeric surface, which could be explained by receptor activation mediated by physical interaction with the substrate or by altering the availability of the soluble stimulatory reagents by adsorption processes.
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