journal article

Secondary Structure of Decorin-Derived Peptides in Solution


Decorin is a small leucine-rich repeat proteoglycan supporting collagen fibril formation by controlling the rate of collagen fibrillogenesis and fibril dimensions. Peptides derived from the inner surface of decorin have been shown to bind to collagen, while peptides derived from the outer surface do not display such binding affinity. As typical secondary structural elements such as β-sheets and α-helical regions were found in the decorin X-ray crystal structure, here it was investigated by Circular Dichroism (CD) spectroscopy in solution, whether the same structural elements can be found in the derived peptides. Here it is shown that the peptide derived from decorin’s outer surface has the propensity to adopt helical conformation, as it was found in the crystal structure. The results were more pronounced in 80 vol% TFE solution, which led to an increase in the number as well as the length of helices. In contrast, peptides derived from the inner surface had a higher tendency to adopt β-sheet conformation, also in TFE, which corresponds to the conformation of the original sequence in the crystal structure of decorin. This suggests that the peptides derived from decorin adopt the structures present in the native protein.
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