Surface geometry of poly(ether imide) boosts mouse pluripotent stem cell spontaneous cardiomyogenesis via modulating the embryoid body formation process
Authors:Xu, X.,Wang, W.,Li, Z.,Kratz, K.,Ma, N.,Lendlein, A.
In: 35th Conference of the German Society for Clinical Microcirculation and Hemorheology
Location:Mainz (D)
Type:conference lecture
Cite as: Xu, X.; Wang, W.; Li, Z.; Kratz, K.; Ma, N.; Lendlein, A.: Surface geometry of poly(ether imide) boosts mouse pluripotent stem cell spontaneous cardiomyogenesis via modulating the embryoid body formation process. 35th Conference of the German Society for Clinical Microcirculation and Hemorheology. Mainz (D), 2016. DOI: 10.3233/CH-168107