journal article

Fiber Laser Beam Welding of Ti-6242 - Effect of Processing Parameters on Microstructural and Mechanical Properties


The present work investigates the effects of laser beam power, focus position and advance speed on the geometry, microstructure and mechanical properties of fiber laser beam welded Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo (denoted as Ti-6242) butt joints used for high temperature applications. Detailed microstructural and mechanical studies were performed on welds produced using optimized parameters (a laser beam power of 5 kW, a focus position of 0.0 mm and an advance speed of 6.2 m/min). The Ti-6242 base material is characterized by a globular (α+β) microstructure. The heat input during laser beam welding led to the formation of a martensitic α’-phase fusion zone. The heat affected zone consisted of globular grains and acicular crystallites. These local transformations were connected with a change in the micro-texture, average grain size and β-phase content. Furthermore, the microhardness increased from 330 HV 0.3 to 450 HV 0.3 due to the martensitic transformation. The mechanical behavior of the laser beam welded Ti-6242 butt joint loaded in tension was determined by the properties of the Ti-6242 base material. The local increase in hardness provided a shielding effect that protected the Ti-6242 butt joint against mechanical damage.
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