Scenarios of shipping emissions in the North Sea region in 2030: Impact on air quality
No abstract available.
Authors:Matthias, V.,Aulinger, A.,Bieser, J.,Karl, M.,Quante, M.
In: Air quality and emissions reduction from shipping – with regional focus on Baltic and North Seas, International Conference „BLUE SKY OVER THE SEA?“
Location:Berlin (D)
Type:conference lecture (invited)
Cite as: Matthias, V.; Aulinger, A.; Bieser, J.; Karl, M.; Quante, M.: Scenarios of shipping emissions in the North Sea region in 2030: Impact on air quality. Air quality and emissions reduction from shipping – with regional focus on Baltic and North Seas, International Conference „BLUE SKY OVER THE SEA?“. Berlin (D), 2016.