journal article

Friction Riveting of Aluminum Alloy 6056 T6 and Polyamide 6: Role of the Rotation Speed on the Formation of the Anchoring Zone and Mechanical Performance - Rebitagem por Friccao (“FricRiveting”) de Liga de Alumínio 6056 T6 e Poliamida 6: Influencia da Velocidade de Rotacao na Formacao da Zona de Ancoragem e no Desempenho Mecanico


Hybrid metal-polymer structures are an alternative solution to reduce weight and fuel consumption in the transportation industry in order to minimize the emission of noxious gases in regard to the greenhouse effect. Friction Riveting is a relatively new technique for joining metal-polymer hybrid structures. The process relies on the generation of frictional heat between the components causing the plastic deformation of the metallic rivet and its anchoring in the polymer component. This study evaluated the technical feasibility of friction-riveted AA 6056 T6 and PA6 joints, and the influence of the rotational speed (RS) on the maximum process temperature and on the mechanical performance of the joints. The maximum temperature reached increased with the rotational speed, from 291 ± 6 °C at 10000 rev/min to 375 ± 5 °C at 15000 rev/min. The use of greater rotational speeds induced the plastic deformation of the tip of the metallic rivet during the frictional phase. This led to mechanically stronger joints due to the larger anchoring of the metallic rivet within the polymeric plate. The AA 6056 T6-PA6 joints had good tensile strength, achieving 85% of the metallic rivet’s tensile strength. Therefore, the feasibility of friction-riveted AA 6056 T6-PA6 joints was proven. Furthermore, it was shown that the rotational speed influences directly the rivet anchoring and thus the tensile strength of the joints.
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