journal article

Effect of temperature on platelet adherence


BACKGROUND:,Thrombogenicity is one of the main parameters tested in vitro to evaluate the hemocompatibility of artificial surfaces. While the influence of the temperature on platelet aggregation has been addressed by several studies, the temperature influence on the adherence of platelets to body foreign surfaces as an important aspect of biomedical device handling has not yet been explored. Therefore, we analyzed the influence of two typically applied incubation-temperatures (22°C and 37°C) on the adhesion of platelets to biomaterials.,MATERIAL AND METHODS:,Thrombogenicity of three different polymers - medical grade poly(dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS), polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) - were studied in an in vitro static test. Platelet adhesion was studied with stringently characterized blood from apparently healthy subjects. Collection of whole blood and preparation of platelet rich plasma (PRP) was carried out at room temperature (22°C). PRP was incubated with the polymers either at 22°C or 37°C. Surface adherent platelets were fixed, fluorescently labelled and assessed by an image-based approach.,RESULTS AND DISCUSSION:,Differences in the density of adherent platelets after incubation at 22°C and 37°C occurred on PDMS and PET. Similar levels of adherent platelets were observed on the very thrombogenic PTFE. The covered surface areas per single platelet were analyzed to measure the state of platelet activation and revealed no differences between the two incubation temperatures for any of the analyzed polymers. Irrespective of the observed differences between the low and medium thrombogenic PDMS and PET and the higher variability at 22°C, the thrombogenicity of the three investigated polymers was evaluated being comparable at both incubation temperatures.
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