journal article

Electrospun scaffolds of silk fibroin and poly(lactide-co-glycolide) for endothelial cell growth


Electrospun scaffolds of silk fibroin (SF) and poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) were prepared to mimic the morphology and chemistry of the extracellular matrix. The SF/PLGA scaffolds were treated with ethanol to improve their usability. After ethanol treatment the scaffolds exhibited a smooth surface and uniform fibers. SF transformed from random coil conformation to β-sheet structure after ethanol treatment, so that the SF/PLGA scaffolds showed low hydrophilicity and dissolving rate in water. The mechanical properties and the hydrophilicity of the blended fibrous scaffolds were affected by the weight ratio of SF and PLGA. During degradation of ethanol-treated SF/PLGA scaffolds in vitro, the fibers became thin along with the degradation time. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were seeded onto the ethanol-treated nanofibrous scaffolds for cell viability, attachment and morphogenesis studies. These SF/PLGA scaffolds could enhance the viability, spreading and attachment of HUVECs. Based on these results, these ethanol-treated scaffolds are proposed to be a good candidate for endothelial cell growth.
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