journal article

Mechanical Properties and Microstructures of Nano SiC Reinforced ZE10 Composites Prepared with Ultrasonic Vibration


In the present investigation, SiC reinforced ZE10 alloy composites were fabricated by direct chill casting assisted with ultrasonic vibration. Two kinds of SiC with a size of 50 nm and 2 μm were chosen. For comparison, ZE10 alloys with and without ultrasound were also fabricated. The microstructures and the distribution of SiC were examined by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Neutron diffraction was also used to identify the second phases in the composites. In addition, mechanical properties such as hardness, creep and compression were evaluated. The results show that SiC was successfully introduced into the magnesium matrix. After the addition of SiC, the mechanical properties of the composites exhibit a slight decrease, which might be due to the grain coarsening.
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