journal article

Mechanical behaviour of dissimilar friction stir welded tailor welded blanks in Al–Mg alloys for Marine applications


Tailor welded blanks (TWB) in Al alloys are an attractive structural solution for application in the shipbuilding sector, mainly due to reductions in weight and lower production costs. In the present study, the global and local mechanical properties of dissimilar friction stir welded TWB were assessed. The joints were manufactured with dissimilar Al–Mg alloys and thicknesses (6 and 8 mm) of particular interest to the shipbuilding sector (AA5083 and AA5059). A digital image correlation system (DIC) linked to a tensile test system was used to characterise the local strain fields, and true stress–strain curves were generated for several TWB sub-zones. Microhardness and DIC analyses showed that the stir zone of the TWB presented overmatching in relation to the weakest base material, and that the joints displayed excellent overall mechanical performance that was comparable to the AA5059 base material in terms of strength and ductility. The fatigue strength was evaluated by means of tension–tension fatigue tests, and the TWB joints reached the fatigue keen with a stress range of 70 MPa.
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