journal article

Effect of radiographic contrast media (Iodixanol, Iopromide) on the spectrin/actin-network of the membranous cytoskeleton of erythrocytes


Red blood cells demonstrate a unique ability for repeated large deformation. Under the influence of a variety of agents, shapes other than the discocyte – e.g. stomatocytes or echinocytes - can be observed. Some radiographic agents induce shape changes from discocytic to echinocytic cells. Especially the echinocyte formation is associated with a rigidification of the cells bearing the risk of a hindered capillary passage of the echinocytes. The mechanisms leading to the formation of echinocytes are not well understood assuming that the membrane cytoskeleton is a key player. That is why this examination was focused on the participation of components of the membrane cytoskeleton in the formation of echinocytes and the protrusions accompanying the formation of echinocytes. Two radiographic contrast media approved for intra-arterial application were used to study echinocyte formation (Iodixanol320; Iopromide370). In the in vitro study serious changes in the membrane cytoskeleton were only found in those erythrocytes incubated in plasma supplemented with Iopromide370 (30%v/v). The shape of the spectrin net was completely altered; from the more homogeneous distribution - typical of cells in autologous plasma and also of cells in plasma supplemented with Iodixanol320 – to a distribution of spectrin concentrated in the membrane-near regions with the appearance of spectrin-actin co-localization. Co-localized spectrin with actin was also found around the membranous roots of protrusions which resemble exocytotic processes. In central parts of the cells there was a pronounced dissociation of spectrin and actin; green coloured condensed spectrin bundles originating from the cell membrane reached up to the root of the protrusions. Separate from this there were also fine long actin fibres passing through the whole cell. The incubation of erythrocytes in plasma supplemented with Iopromide370 induced rounded bubble-like protrusions from the cell membrane containing almost completely long bundles of actin fibres. The examination confirmed earlier studies showing that some radiographic contrast media are able to induce echinocyte formation. Furthermore, subcellular mechanisms were revealed explaining the different effects of Iodixanol in comparison to Iopromide.
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