journal article

Fabrication of magnesium alloy with high strength and heat-resistance by hot extrusion and ageing


A Mg–11Gd–4.5Y–1.5Zn–1Nd–0.5Zr alloy with high-strength and heat-resistance has successfully been prepared by hot extrusion and subsequent ageing. It exhibits an ultimate tensile strength of 473 MPa, 0.2% proof stress of 373 MPa and elongation to failure of 4.1% at room temperature. At 250 °C, this alloy shows an ultimate tensile strength of 369 MPa, 0.2% proof stress of 316 MPa and elongation to failure of 6.3%. Its good mechanical properties and thermal stability are attributed to the dispersion of large volume fraction of 14H-LPSO phase, small α-Mg grains, basal-fiber texture and dense distribution of precipitates at the grain boundaries and inside the grains.
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