In: Program and the Book of Abstracts, Joint Event of the 11th Young Researchers Conference: Materials Science and Engineering, 1st European Early Stage Researchers Conference on Hydrogen Storage
Location:Belgrad (SRB)
Type:conference object
ISBN: 978-86-7306-122-1
Cite as: Pistidda, C.; Karimi, F.; Garroni, S.; Milanese, C.; Rude, L.; Skibsted, J.; Jensen, T.; Nolis, P.; Horstmann, C.; Gundlach, C.; Baro, M.; Klassen, T.; Dornheim, M.: Effect of a CaF2-xHx solid solution formation in the mixed system CaH2+CaF2 +MgB2. Program and the Book of Abstracts, Joint Event of the 11th Young Researchers Conference: Materials Science and Engineering, 1st European Early Stage Researchers Conference on Hydrogen Storage. Belgrad (SRB), 2012.