222Rn calibrated mercury fluxes from terrestrial surfaces of southern Africa derived from observations at Cape Point, South Africa
No abstract available.
URL: https://publications.hereon.de/id/29710/
Authors:Slemr, F.,Brunke, E.-G.,Wittlestobe, S.,Zahorowski, M.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kock, H.H.,Labuschagne, C.
In: 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2012
Location:Rom (I)
Type:conference lecture
Cite as: Slemr, F.; Brunke, E.; Wittlestobe, S.; Zahorowski, M.; Ebinghaus, R.; Kock, H.; Labuschagne, C.: 222Rn calibrated mercury fluxes from terrestrial surfaces of southern Africa derived from observations at Cape Point, South Africa. 16th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, ICHMET 2012. Rom (I), 2012.