journal article

Support of HUVEC proliferation by pro-angiogenic intermediate CD163+ monocytes/macrophages: A co-culture experiment


So called intermediate (MO2) monocytes/macrophages possess anti-inflammatory properties and express the MO lineage marker CD163. On a hydrophilic, acrylamide-based hydrogel human intermediate (CD14++ CD16+) CD163++ monocytes/macrophages (aMO2) which were angiogenically stimulated, maintained a pro-angiogenic and non-inflammatory status for at least 14 days. Here we explored, whether this aMO2 subset can positively influence the proliferation of human umbilical venous endothelial cells (HUVECs) without switching back into a pro-inflammatory (MO1) phenotype. aMO2 or HUVEC were seeded alone on glass cover slips (0.5 × 105 cells / 1.33 cm2) in a HUVEC specific cell culture medium (EGM-2) for 3 hrs, 24 hrs and 72 hrs or under co-culture conditions (0.5 × 105 HUVEC + 0.25 × 105 aMO2 / 1.33 cm2) in EGM-2 for the same time window as well (n = 6 each). Under co-culture conditions the numbers of adherent HUVEC per unit area were significantly higher (p < 0.01; 525 ± 52 HUVEC/mm2) compared to control mono-cultures (473 ± 76 HUVEC/mm2) after 72 hrs of cultivation and showed their typically spread morphology. The aMO2 remained in their subset status and secreted VEGF-A165 without release of pro-inflammatory cytokines until the end of the 72 hrs cultivation time period, thereby supporting the HUVEC proliferation. These in vitro results might indicate that this MO subset can be used as cellular delivery system for pro-angiogenic and non-inflammatory mediators to support the endothelialisation of biomaterials like e.g. cPnBA.
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