journal article

Development of computational models to predict the mechanical behavior of Friction Riveting joints


Friction Riveting (FricRiveting) is a new, friction based, spot joining process for polymer–metal hybrid structures that has been studied experimentally in recent years. The process provides a cost effective and fast alternative to conventional joining methods, such as riveting and adhesive bonding. In this work, finite element analysis was performed to predict the behavior of overlap and point-on-plate FricRiveting joints with the objective of supporting the further development of the process. Additionally, it is intended to provide a better understanding of the mechanical behavior of the joint. The analyses were performed by simulating joints made of polyetherimide extruded plaques and high-strength aluminum alloy AA2024-T351 rivets using an FEA package. Model validation was carried out with three different types of mechanical tests: tensile, lap shear and T-pull. The results obtained in this preliminary work were most encouraging since the developed models were able to predict experimental behavior with accuracy.
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