journal article

In Vitro Evaluation of Elastic Multiblock Co-polymers as a Scaffold Material for Reconstruction of Blood Vessels


There is a need to create cell- and histocompatible implant materials, which might temporarily replace the mechanical function of a native tissue for regenerative therapies. To match the elastic behavior of the native tissue two different multiblock co-polymers were investigated: PDC, consisting of poly(p-dioxanone) (PPDO)/poly(ɛ-caprolactone) (PCL), and PDD, based on PPDO/poly((adipinate-alt-1,4-butanediol)-co-(adipinate-alt-ethylene glycol)-co-adipinate-alt-diethylene glycol) (Diorez). PDC is capable of a shape-memory effect. Both multiblock co-polymers show an improved elasticity compared to materials applied in established vascular prosthesis. PDD is softer than PDC at 20°C, while PDC maintains its elasticity at 37°C. Thermodynamic characteristics indicate a more polar surface of PDD. Low cell adhesion was found on surfaces with low molar free energy of hysteresis (ΔG) derived from contact angle measurements in wetting and dewetting mode and high cell adhesion on high-ΔG surfaces. An increasing content of PCL in PDC improved cell adhesion and spreading of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. The prothrombotic potential of PDD is higher than PDC. Finally, it is concluded that PDC is a promising material for vascular tissue engineering because of its improved elastic properties, as well as balanced prothrombotic and anti-thrombotic properties with endothelial cells.
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